Make sure your X3 installation is patched with the patch 2.0.02 and bonuspack 3.1.05.
Backup your existing savegames. They are usually here:
"C:\Documents and Settings\[user]\My Documents\Egosoft\X3\save\".
If you don't have a such folder, search your drive for "Egosoft" or "X00.sav".
Download the savegame below, (extract the zip,) rename the .sav file to a number you prefer from "X00.sav" to "X19.sav", which will be the one of 20 savegames displayed in the game.
Store this file into the savegame folder.
Start the game and load the savegame.
If you play with patch > Remove the Video Enhancement from ships running CLS/CAG! Otherwise the ships won't jump. This has been changed in the new patch.